Hey, I may have asked this before but I can't rem...
# officely-features
Hey, I may have asked this before but I can't remember so apologies in advance. A lot of our team utilises the auto-book feature which is great. More people would use it if the Parking was also assigned to this. For example, I book on Monday and Wednesday, but I must remember to manually go in and book a parking spot. It would be great if you could enable a spot to be booked every time you book into the office (If you have a car and you tick always book a parking spot for example)
hey @Dan Coleman this is very timely!
In a couple of weeks we will be releasing a new feature called routines, which will allow you to add extras to your booking 🤩 this way you'll be able to automatically have these extras added without needing to add them manually each time 💃
🙌 1
Oh awesome news! Thanks for letting me know
No worries at all, we'll let you know as soon as it's out 🤩
❤️ 1