<!here> Hey everyone :wave: I hope you had a great...
# introductions
<!here> Hey everyone 👋 I hope you had a great weekend! Just thought I’d introduce myself to the group. My name is Lucille, I am the new Community Manager for Hybrid Heroes and Officely. I’d love to get a chance to get to know you all more! So I have a couple of questions for you: Where are you based? And, what’s the weather like? About me: I am from France and I moved to London 6 years ago, something I dreamed of since I was 12! I used to work as an Office Manager and I was notably in charge of keeping track of office attendance since implementing the hybrid work model. And believe it or not, it’s sunny in London right now! ☀️
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Bonsoir Lucille! I’m in Kent and it’s a beautiful evening here!!
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Bonsoir Jane 👋 how nice!
Good evening, I'm in South Wales and it's sunny here too 🙂
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Hey Helen! I’ve never been to Wales but it’s definitely on my list 😁
I'm a little biased but it's a beautiful part of the world 😂
I bet!
I'm Victoria from NYC and it's a beautiful brisk fall day here 🍂
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Hello Lucille! I´m Katya and Im based in beautiful Barcelona. It´s sunny here as usual! ☀️
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Hi Victoria and Katya! Overall great weather everywhere I see 🤩
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