Morning, i have some users this morning reporting ...
# officely-questions
Morning, i have some users this morning reporting issues when trying to book both a desk and the parking spaces. Due to the nature of the location of our parking spaces we have these set up as a neighbourhood, and until today people could book into both their office neighbourhood and also a parking neighbourhood (parking shared across multiple offices within same geographic location). Now one booking is overwriting the other so no one can book both a desk and a parking spot. Has anything changed? And is there any way we can resolve this so that people can book both options?
Hi @Helen Robinson, thanks for getting in touch. Just so I understand the situation correctly, have you set up the car parking as a separate neighborhood within an office or as a separate office entirely?
separate office. The example is we have parking that is shared by more than one office. So the native parking option only works if you want a desk where the parking space is which isn't the case for us. To work around this we created a separate office for parking - with 2 neighbourhoods to reflect the locations of the spaces. And up until last week we could book into 2 offices...
Thanks Helen, understood. Unfortunately, we've just made a change that only allows users to book into 1 office per day. However, let me have a chat with the team about how we can help you solve this.
Thanks Max - that would be great
Do your employees always work from the same office each day? Or can they pick and choose?
they can pick and choose - we offer flexibility so that they can work with different groups of people. It's possibly slightly unusual in that we have more than one office in the same geographical location)
Hey Helen, if you have some time today shall we hop on a quick call? We have some ideas on how we could potentially make it work! 🀩 Here is a link to my Calendly
Hello, any news on this? We have the same problem as we have set up two offices. One for booking a seat at the office and one for booking parking spaces. πŸ₯²
Hey Daniel, I asked the team about this. Will be in touch once I have an update πŸ™
πŸ™ 1
Max did help us with a solution on this - we had to make some changes but seems to be working so far
🀩 1
Hi @Daniel Lundkvist, the best way to fix this is to have one office and then offer parking as an office extra. It should actually make the process much easier for your team as they don't have to switch between offices.
Hey @max, unfortunately we have made things complicated πŸ˜… We have a parking sharing pool with spaces which should only be available for a smaller group of employees that pay for the service.
I see! Unfortunately, we haven't designed Officely to work in that way. If you offered it as an extra and told your employees they can only book it if they have paid, do you think they would listen to that?
Ok, thanks anyway, Max! We will try out adding parking as an extra and hope that others won’t touch it 🀞
great! Let me know if we can help further