Anyone finding great ways of bringing/enticing peo...
# community-discussion
Anyone finding great ways of bringing/enticing people back to offices if your office is open? Curious to hear whats working and engaging your employees!
❤️ 1
Great question @Britney Pierini! We've written a tips and tricks article that may come in handy 🤗 Would also love to jump on a call with you if you have some time this or next week to hear how you're finding the process of employees returning into the office and what's working/not working.
We've got our 'popular' days - Tues & Thursdays - tends to be the most social, we have sports sessions on at lunch times (badminton & football, we provide brekkie on thursday mornings along with our company update & Thursday tends to be the most likely night people will stick around for a drink in the evening. So far it's mainly been food and socials lol so same, would love to hear if anyone's having success with other ideas?
same here w food and socials! we also enforce team days when staff are visiting from out of town, but those also usually include a lunch 😅 Tues and Thurs are busiest for us, so we make our team days on Mon / Weds as Friday tends to be a shorter day for our teams
we've also had a lot of new starters, and i'm actively encouraging new friendships and getting people to use officely the week before and invite new staff to join them when they know they'll be in. it's a nice way to form friendships, doesn't feel forced and staff are prettttty good at it as we provide a few nice drinks and snacks in the office, so they tend to do tea making rounds together or go for a walk at lunch together