Is anyone offering a WFH allowance as part of thei...
# community-discussion
Is anyone offering a WFH allowance as part of their hybrid working approach? At the start of the pandemic we were loaning out screens and chairs but I think we now need a more scaleable approach to this. We're thinking of giving new hires a budget for this but wondering what the right amount is? Does anyone else offer this?
this is something we're trying to juggle too - we loaned out office equipment from our office but are looking to have it all returned by end of september. for staff who have moved further afield, we've set a small budget for a second hand decent office chair, desk if they need and a screen. the tricky part for us now is managing those who live close to our office and are hybrid working - should we be supporting their home setups even though they have an office nearby? we want everyone to be treated fairly, but with a 50+ workforce it gets a bit murky! would love to hear your thoughts!
in terms of the spend / budget, we adjust it for each city - £50 (for example) might go further in berlin than london or new york.
We did a one time reimbursement up to $250 USD.
My company offers $300 USD a year for a home office reimbursement!
I've heard good things about First Base if you are looking for a way to manage this process
Does anyone have any further offerings to Liz’s question? I am now preparing a policy for this and we are trying to determine what monetary value we should offer to employees for WFH and wellbeing allowances.