Not sure if this is the right channel but I'm inte...
# officely-questions
Not sure if this is the right channel but I'm interested to know if people are still using the health survey feature? As time goes on our team are "forgetting" to complete them and I'm wondering if the health surveys could be used for other topics e.g as a wellbeing check in etc..
Hey Jennifer! Alex from the Product team at Officely 👋 we've definitely noticed a fair few less health surveys being submitted recently and are looking to repurpose these into more general surveys in the not too distant future. Would be great to hear what you'd use these for besides wellbeing checks?
Hi Alex 🙂 you could probably use these for a range of different topics depending on your company culture and industry. My initial thoughts were wellbeing topics such as happiness, workload etc.. as we use other platforms for more detailed questionnaires. Another option could be for some kind of office nps as the response might align with the increase or lack of bookings
Thanks Jennifer, this is super useful! Those sorts of topics were along my lines of thinking as well - just another clarifying question: what other platforms do you use for detailed questionnaires and what sorts of questions do you ask via them?
We create our own questionnaires via Google forms and share with the team, topics depend on what's happening in the agency e.g one week it could be asking for feedback on our benefits, checking in on workloads, what social activities the team would like to see more of etc..
Okay great, thanks so much! We'll definitely consider all of these points as we expand our offering here. And one final question, do you think it'd be important to send surveys to people who are in the office vs those hybrid working vs those exclusively at home? Or would you just send them to everyone at once?
Could be good to have the option, every day is different in our place so for us I would say everyone depending on what you are asking
Thanks very much Jennifer, really helpful to hear!
I use the health survey feature still. I have noticed that keeping it short and simple is the best. But I was noticing the same thing. What worked for me was starting to use the office chat feature. So now when members don't add themselves or fill out the form they don't see the chat. With doing this I notice that they want to be included so they add themselves and take the screening too.
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