Hey! I got a question. Would it be possible to use...
# officely-questions
Hey! I got a question. Would it be possible to use the recurring feature for 4 to 6 weeks upfront? i believe the feature now only books the recurring for 1 to 2 weeks everytime?
Hey Denise, thanks for reaching out and great question! This was a very conscious design decision that we made - further out than 2 weeks becomes a bit less obvious commitment wise. You might decide that you don't fancy going in that day, or the team meeting happens on a different day of the week. We could extend the recurring booking window out for a much longer timeframe but because we place a huge emphasis on ensuring everyone is in the office when they say they are, we chose not to. Recurring bookings is mainly to stop the admin of having to book into the office constantly every week if you're confident you're going in and 2 weeks out is that sweet spot! Hope that all makes sense? Let me know if you have any questions still 😄
Hi Alex! This might make sense to other companies but not really for how we would like to use it. Can't it be added into like an Admin feature/settings where people/admin themself can decide how many weeks recurring up front works for them?
Thanks for the reply Denise! Just to dig a little deeper (and to see if there are any other solutions that might work for you), can you detail why you're looking to extend the recurring booking window please? How do you like to use Officely?
Hey Alex, it's because we want to calculate our monthly expenses. WFH vs WFTO, travel expense, lunch bookings etc for salary purposes.
Hi Denise - I see, that makes sense. And just to clarify, do you calculate this on a forward looking basis i.e. I want to see how many days this person has booked in for the next few weeks, or on a backwards looking basis i.e. I want to see how many days this person has booked in last month?
Hey Alex, we calculate this on a forward looking basis.
Thanks Denise. I can't offer you a solution to this right now but I'll add it as an idea into our backlog - we've got a lot of exciting features in the pipeline so I can't give you a guarantee on this but we'll definitely take it into consideration. I think having this as part of admin controls would make total sense and I can understand your use case completely!