Hello, can I book a team in without using the Team...
# officely-questions
Hello, can I book a team in without using the Team Concierge? They don’t always attend the office on the same day each week.
Hi @Holly Unfortunately not at the moment. However, we do plan on introducing that functionality - it’s good to know that you’re looking for that
That’s good to know, for now is there a way we can allow a manager for example to book in other individuals on their team? Rather than as a whole group?
Also, if we use the concierge for a team who are only in once a month and choose “Monthly” on a set day of the week how will the concierge choose which Monday in the month they’ll attend?
To answer your first question, anyone who is a manager of the office can add/update and remove bookings. Some have opted to give their team leaders these permissions to allow them to do that, however, it is important to know that they’ll have admin access to the office too. See this article for more information As for your second question, Concierge will always start scheduling from next week onwards. This means if you were to setup concierge for your team today (say 1 day a month on Mondays), then the first date should be Monday next week and the following date would be the Monday 4 weeks after that. Hope that makes sense - does that answer your question?
Thanks Rich, that’s answered my quesiton
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