:wave: Hey everyone! How many of you are using Pod...
# officely-questions
👋 Hey everyone! How many of you are using Pods? How important is it for people to see the Pod name at the top of each day that’s been scheduled?
Hi Rich - I’ve put people into Pods (aka teams) but not really finding much use for Pods atm. So the Pod name is not that important to us yet and might just clutter the view (for us at least). On that - if I may make a suggestion or three :) - it would be great if the daily broadcast layout could be tweaked to make it easier to skim read. Broadcast Thoughts / Suggestions: • Font weighting - the office name line of text is quite small in comparison to the neighbourhood names. • Perhaps if the line “*Good afternoon everyone!* Here’s a list of people going to XX Office tomorrow” was a bit larger then the ’Who’s in tomorrow” text beneath it wouldn’t be needed? • Is it possible for Officely content / messages to use the full width of the Slack window? Looks like there is a fixed width restriction on Officely at present?
Thanks @Donna Burgess Remind me again what the reason is for not finding much use for Pods atm? Regarding the channel message, do you have multiple offices posting the broadcast to the same channel?
RE: Pods - we’ve not not employed Pods to book in recurring team days and can’t see another reason to use them at present. I could be missing something here though. And yes - we have 2 offices broadcasting in one channel.
Ok thanks for explaining that - As far as I’m aware most people have a dedicated channel per office, therefore the office name isn’t so important. That said, we’re always looking for ways to improve, so I’ll flag that with the team and we’ll discuss. That’s a good spot regarding the width restriction - I hadn’t noticed that before. I think that is a Slack imposed limit on Apps, so probably not much we can do there
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