Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you are hav...
# officely-questions
Hi everyone! I was wondering if any of you are having to explain how to use Officely to your office via email explaining step by step or are you just sending the demo video to your office?
Hey @McKenzie Clanton we can help you draft this if you like. How long do you want the email to be? Here's an example: Hi {team}, We are using Officely to manage our office reopening. The software lives in Slack and allows you to see who is in the office each day and book in alongside them. You'll shortly receive an invite, once you click 'Get Started' Officely will be aded to your Slack taskbar. To book a desk, click on the Officely app and then click 'Join' on the relevant day. You'll then be asked whether you want to sit in the Pent House or on the 5th floor. We'll also be using Officely to manage health surveys (which you'll receive as a Slack DM from Officely) and contact tracing. So please do ensure you complete the health survey before coming into the office each day. Let me know if you have any questions,
Max! You are the best!
😀 1
Could you add in explaining booking a desk? I think that should be good! 🙂
done! Will you be using neighbourhoods? I can flesh that out a little bit as well, if that's helpful?
Yes! We will have two neighborhoods (2 floors ebing used) It's so helpful! Thanks so much
what are the names of neighbourhoods?
Pent House and 5th Floor
Great, I've updated that
Thanks so much!
We used some screen recordings also when we announced to our team
Awesome! Thanks!