Hey <@U024A0TU8U8>! I’ve had some comms that say t...
# officely-questions
Hey @max! I’ve had some comms that say that there’s a plan to allow for admins to assign ppl to days, and I’d love to know a timeline for that. Happy Wednesday, all!
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this would be very helpful - also if admins could assign extras such as parking
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@Naomi Grey, @Andrew Chadwick - Indeed we are! Would you mind sharing your particular use cases? - which scenarios typically require an admin to get involved?
With regard to timelines, we expect to have an initial version out by the 21st June - I’ll keep you updated here
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• people forgetting to add/remove themselves • sickness etc.
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We’re going to have small groups returning to the office 21st June onwards; I’d like for admins to be able to add those groups ahead of time and then other individuals can add themselves on top
another thing that would work would be for the notices to be visible top-level so we can add names there
In our scenario we’re the ones who decide that team members are required to go in, so it’s kind of a strange process to have the middle step of assigning them in and then needing the employee to go register themselves!
yeh we’re doing a mix of that, some assigned teams + whoever wants to join on top
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Okay that’s helpful to understand - Do either of you have any plans to restrict the number of desks available using neighbourhoods?
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Hi @max , I’m struggling to make the pods work the way I need - do you have a rough idea for when the admin controls will be updated?
Hi @Andrew Chadwick remind me how you are trying to structure pods?
Admin bookings will be released in the next 2 days
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@max we’re wanting to do 3 teams, each comes to the office every three weeks for three days p/w
I set up a pod for this but it only seems to have added one day next week and also because it schedules in the evening, other people have booked themselves in the meantime and taken the spaces. On top of that, I can’t remove people who I know shouldn’t be there
Thanks for the context Andrew. It does seem like admin bookings would be a better fit for you here. I’ll let you know as soon as it’s ready.
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