hi officely! is it possible to make spaces only bo...
# officely-questions
hi officely! is it possible to make spaces only bookable by certain staff members?
Hey @Bella thanks so much for reaching out! Unfortunately this is not available at the moment, so sorry about that! Would you mind expanding a little on why you'd like to be able to do this? I'll pass this feedback to the product team 🙏
thanks kristina! no worries. we have a few set desks in our space for our CEO, myself etc - however we want to ensure no one else books these desks out. we also want to be able to track the days that these set desks are used by staff as part of our hybrid working policy, so it would be really helpful
it didn't give staff the option on the location to book yesterday, which i'd also like to flag if poss! thank you 🙂