hey all, potentially more of a rogue question, but...
# community-discussion
hey all, potentially more of a rogue question, but i was wondering if anyone has experience in working with (- i hate this term -) digital nomads on payroll? many of our staff are choosing to work hybridly between cities, and i want to ensure we're following a standard of practice before everyone decides to jet off for a few months when they are usually based elsewhere! 🌴 i was reading this earlier today, and it has provoked a few thoughts. would appreciate any insight, thanks!
Hey Bella! Thanks for sharing — this has been something we’ve talked about but haven’t done much about. We did share with TriNet (our peo partner) that we are staying remote-first and they set us up with an e-poster account where everyone logs in and can view the docs we used to be legally responsible for posting, but we’ve been more lax about people traveling around and updating their info - most have kept a permanent address and so (probably stupidly) we figured that was their responsibility. I’m going to take a look at this now though!
thanks so much for sharing @Bella! Is your concern here creating a policy so that everyone knows what they are allowed to do (and not do) or is it more the legality of employing people who are constantly moving countries?
more the latter! with hybrid and flexible working, we're happy with staff working from where they would like as long as it's communicated with their line managers. then anything more long term needs to be spoken to our People team about first, as may affect their contract (i.e. moving out of London permanently may mean a salary change due to salary weighting). i question here is the legal aspects of working from different countries, and where liability lands (insurance, duty of care, local employment laws)
More of the latter for me too (we have different employment laws by STATE and people have been moving all over the place)
I would recommend speaking with Deel. They specialise in handling the compliance, payroll and HR admin of hiring people internationally (they might also handle interstate - but I'm not sure about that)
^^ We use Deel for employing globally, but this tends to be a person based in X location rather than people continuously moving around - this means we can stay compliant locally without needing to create an overseas entity. There's quite a few places now that will allow people to work from overseas for a set amount of time (eg Revolut I think do 2-months a year) which helps reduce the risk to the business. We did explore this for our team but our employer's liability wouldn't cover us so we didn't go ahead.