Hi there, I don't believe this is currently a thin...
# officely-questions
Hi there, I don't believe this is currently a thing on Officely but when you have the list of everyone who's in the office that day, as people leave for the day, can they wave 👋 good bye or good night so the existing people know who's left the office? We're having the issue right now where we have 25+ people in the office but as everyone starts to leave at the end of the day, it's hard to determine who's left in the office and more important, who the last person is so they set the alarm system.
Hi @Melanie Munroe, interesting use case! It's not something we cater for at the moment. However we are about to launch an office chat function that will spin up a slack channel with everyone in the office for that day, each employee could then wave goodbye in there. Would that work?
💥 1
The office chat function would be awesome actually.
🙌 1
great, I'll let you once it's ready