Hello, do you know if it's possible to book a slot...
# officely-questions
Hello, do you know if it's possible to book a slot in the morning in a specific neighborhood and the afternoon in another one ? thanks a lot
Hey @Franck Aurèle MEDEGAN, unfortunately that’s not something we currently support
Thanks Rich, do you know if it's in the pipeline ? We are R&D company so people move between the Lab area and the offices
That’s helpful to understand your use-case - thanks for sharing. It’s not in the pipeline, however, I’ll make a note of it and raise it with the team. To be transparent with you, it’s not something which comes up very often so I can’t see it being a high priority item in the short term
I understand, thanks
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We are also running into this issue!
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If anyone has found a work around would love to hear it
Hi everyone! A possible workaround might be making the "Offices" one office, and the "Lab" another office, I tested it out real quick to see if you can book both in one day, and it just gives you a little note saying "_You are also going here_".
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To find the other offices as a non-admin its a drop down menu!
Here's what the booking page looks like: